Incognito Browsing: Is Your Privacy Really Protected

Introduction: What is Incognitoš¤ ? Incognito mode is a feature in Google Chrome that allows you to browse the web privately. When you use incognito mode, your browsing activity is not stored on your computer or in your browser's history after your session ends. Additionally, incognito mode prevents you from being automatically signed into your online accounts while browsing. One of the most common techniques people think can help hide their activity is the use of an “incognito” mode in a browser. This opens a secure browsing window where third-party cookies are blocked and browsing history is paused. Sorry, no The problem with incognito modes is they provide a false sense of security. Despite what most people assume, incognito modes are primarily built to block traces of your online activity being left on your computer — not the web. While incognito mode offers privacy during your session, it's important to note that it doesn't make you completely invisible on the web. Jus...