The Dark Side of Linux Hacking: Essential Commands for Ethical Hackers

Mastering Linux Hacking: Essential Commands for Ethical Hackers. Introduction: Linux, with its open-source nature and powerful command-line interface, has long been a favorite platform for hackers and security professionals alike. In this blog, we'll delve into some of the essential Linux hacking commands that every ethical hacker should have in their arsenal. From reconnaissance to exploitation, these commands will empower you to assess and secure systems effectively. 1. Nmap: Network Mapper Description: nmap is a versatile network scanning tool used for discovering hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a map of the network. Usage : `nmap <target>` Example : `nmap` 2. netcat: Swiss Army Knife for TCP/IP Description : netcat is a networking utility for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP. Usage : `nc <options> <target> <port>` Example : `nc -v 22` 3. Metasploit: Penetration Testing ...